nurse coach

Self-Support Mindfulness Practice

Self-Support Mindfulness Practice

In this mindfulness practice, called, Self-Support, you’ll use your own hands to evoke self-support, self-love, self-compassion, self-kindness and whatever else you need. The simple touch of your hand can invoke a relaxation and calming effect. Let’s try it together.

Loving Kindness Body Scan

Loving Kindness Body Scan

A Loving-Kindness-Body Scan creates a safe space for you to meet each part of your body with great respect and gentleness. It establishes a clear opening for you to recognize the majestic gifts of your body, mind and spirit. Listen and reconnect to you and your strong, beautiful body.

Overcoming Misconceptions

Overcoming Misconceptions

Overcoming misconceptions can take lots of focus, especially when we limit out thoughts, behaviors or beliefs.

Our stories are a piece of what make us who we are and when we keep stories inside, they can morph, change and accelerate over time- this can be good, or not so good. Especially when it connects to misconceptions.

Nurse Wisdom in Difficult Times

Nurse Wisdom in Difficult Times

Nurse wisdom in difficult times…who better to ask for help than wise, compassionate, caring and brilliant Nurses and Nurse Coaches? When asked the question, You have so much wisdom, experience, and love. What would you share with those who need help?”.

Nurses from across the globe chime in to offer words and intention to alleviate suffering and help us remember we have power to choose how we adjust and shift in our precious lives.

I LOVE Fellow Nurses

I LOVE Fellow Nurses

nursestalking is a YouTube channel where Nurses discuss so many things about Nursing, our profession, our work and more. Dale Barzey-Pond is the host, and she wants everyone to know that Nurses are far more than just people in scrub suits. Learn some of the reasons I love fellow Nurses in this blog.

Kindness in Community is Contagious!

Kindness in Community is Contagious!

In pre-COVID days, I would have instantly hugged sharing my joy of seeing them after so long. Post-COVID, what’s the protocol? Hugs, or no hugs? Handshake, or no handshake? Smile from afar? Or smile up close?

What transpires when we share kindness in community, despite our awkwardness? It is contagious!

Chair Yoga for Stability

Chair Yoga for Stability

Seated, or Chair Yoga is great for creating your base of stability.

Since you are seated in a chair, you feel supported because your strong buttocks and legs are on the seat of the chair. Your feet are grounded onto the earth, and you feel balanced and secure.

Roasted Beet and Plum Salad with Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette Recipe

Roasted Beet and Plum Salad with Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette Recipe

This Roasted Beet and Plum Salad with Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette recipe is sure to enhance your vibrational energy because of all the many, beautiful, life sustaining colors and phytonutrients from the earth.

Moving Meditation for Building Resilience

Moving Meditation for Building Resilience

A moving meditation helps you connect to the strength, power, fluidity, softness, ease or all the other sensations in your unique body.

It is so important for you to come together with your physical body, your spirit, your mind, your emotions and your community to connect back to you and your authentic reality.

Why Did the Orange Stop?

Why Did the Orange Stop?

I often recall this surprising twist to a ‘normal’ day as an ICU Nurse, because sometimes I feel like the orange… like I have run out of juice. But then somehow, my heart opens up again to receive the joys of the day, even if it may appear it is not responding.

Functional Aging is Yours

Functional Aging is Yours

To me, functional aging means soaring gracefully through the inevitable ebb and flow of age. No one will remain ‘young’ forever, yet there is magic in aging gracefully, maintaining your function, strength, energy, mobility, cognition, power, balance, vitality and health throughout the trajectory of life.

Functional Aging means you get to choose what you want, when you want it, with who you want to do it, and how you want to do it! And, you can choose to have someone to support you along your journey!

NursePreneurs Podcast

NursePreneurs Podcast

It was such an honor to chat with Catie Harris, PhD, MBA, RN, Founder and CEO of NursePrenuers to share a little bit about what I do and the vision of Nurse Coaching through Blue Monarch Health.

A Moment of Self Care

A Moment of Self Care

Sometimes we lose track of who we are, there is so much external noise and pressures. Many of us are feeling lost and potentially disconnected to our authenticity and our real-ness. My Self Care Toolbox is a way I re-connect to myself and my reality and how I can create a moment of stillness to allow me to feel and return to who I am. I open it up and share some of it.

Maybe creating a little Self Care Toolbox for yourself could help you too?