self care

Self-Support Mindfulness Practice

Self-Support Mindfulness Practice

In this mindfulness practice, called, Self-Support, you’ll use your own hands to evoke self-support, self-love, self-compassion, self-kindness and whatever else you need. The simple touch of your hand can invoke a relaxation and calming effect. Let’s try it together.

Elimination Diet: Survival Tips

Elimination Diet: Survival Tips

The Elimination Diet is the gold standard for determining food sensitivities, food intolerances and food triggers. It’s a fascinating process filled with some challenges, but mostly triumphs!, like feeling 150% better than before doing it.

I’ve helped hundreds of clients through this process with my 5 step RENEW! Elimination Food Plan, and have come up with some ‘Survival Tips’ to make the process easier.

Lift the Veil

Lift the Veil

The veil of hiding may very well be fear, or anger, or of staying the same. It could be the veil of, I’m not good enough, or they don’t like me, or of protection or expectations, or ‘shoulds’. It could be a veil of wishful comparison, or that of not being true to who you are.

Whatever the veil of hiding, they all conceal you from your reality and who you are. These coverings keep you from being seen by those who love and admire you and want to be connected to the true you, because, well, you are loved so deeply.

Loving Yourself

Loving Yourself

How can you return to loving yourself if you get into the rut of being less than kind to your body, mind and spirit? One way is through journaling. Pen to paper, no one watching, reading, looking, hearing- except you and the scratch of your thoughts.
Need some prompts to help you return to loving yourself? They are in this blog.

Subjective Cognitive Decline Awareness

Subjective Cognitive Decline Awareness

Subjective Cognitive Decline is when you admit that you notice something is off related to your brain. Now, of course nobody wants to say their memory or brain is ‘off’... but what if you know something is 'off' and don't say anything- even though YOU KNOW something isn't quite right? Well, you lose your power. That’s right! I said it. You lose the power you’ve been working on your whole life because you don't say “YES!” to yourself and your needs! This blog is all about Subjective Cognitive Decline- and you will gain power when you read it. So read it! 😉

Healing Rituals

Healing Rituals

Healing Rituals are self-imposed decisions to take action and tend to feelings of fear, apprehension, discontent, anger or sorrow, instead of squashing them deep into your soul. They are a mechanism to release feelings and to honor your body, mind and spirit with gentle attentiveness and care.

You can create your own Healing Ritual, and perhaps you already have one or two to use to ease the dis-ease of less than perfect situations. Or perhaps you need some inspiration to create an action to purposefully care for yourself.

I asked some dear friends for examples of Healing Rituals, and here’s what they shared.

Battling Burnout with Nurse Coaching: Stories from the ICU

Battling Burnout with Nurse Coaching:  Stories from the ICU

There is a shift towards healing when we create space to envision it. This is an article written for the American Holistic Nurses Association Beginning's publication about 2 ICU RNs who found healing through Nurse Coaching and the opening of possibilities.

Tips for Better Sleep

Tips for Better Sleep

The lifestyle strategy of sleep- or rather- not getting enough sleep is often discussed in exasperation.  Many of us fantasize about getting enough zzz’s to keep us thriving in our lives, but we struggle to do it in real life. Let's discuss some tools to improve this important function, so we feel more vibrant and focused, while staying free from diseases of the brain and body.

Food is Connection

Food is Connection

Food is Connection.  A bond between ourselves and those we choose to share it with.  What kinds of things do you want infused into your nourishment?   How can we re-frame rushed, irritated and apathetic feelings into calm, joy and love as we prepare foods.