take action in health

Exercise to Protect Yourself!

Exercise to Protect Yourself!

It's super important that you have strong muscles and bones and stable joint function, if you want to live how you want to live, with who you want to live and do what you want to do, when you want to do it!

Subjective Cognitive Decline Awareness

Subjective Cognitive Decline Awareness

Subjective Cognitive Decline is when you admit that you notice something is off related to your brain. Now, of course nobody wants to say their memory or brain is ‘off’... but what if you know something is 'off' and don't say anything- even though YOU KNOW something isn't quite right? Well, you lose your power. That’s right! I said it. You lose the power you’ve been working on your whole life because you don't say “YES!” to yourself and your needs! This blog is all about Subjective Cognitive Decline- and you will gain power when you read it. So read it! 😉

Loneliness and Isolation

Loneliness and Isolation

In our ever-changing world filled with social media, texting, computers, devices, on demand, television, news, fake news, alerts, Information pushes, and constant stimulation it is difficult to re-connect with ourselves and others, even though we are in contact with others throughout our day.  And when we link the potential negative impact loneliness and isolation can have on our health, we must take proactive steps to ensure we acknowledge our potential risk and mitigate it.

How can we consciously remember our need to be connected and support that need?  How do we move from surface connection and extend to deep connection to uproot loneliness and isolation?

Here are 5 tips to consider to begin to re-connect to self and to others and will help mitigate and perhaps prevent diseases of the brain and body.