
Nurse Coach Case Study

Nurse Coach Case Study

Nurse Coaching is an honest, professional and authentic option for clients (and Nurses) who want to take a different approach than the traditional healthcare model.

Nurse Coaches, who are Registered Nurses with exceptional education and experience in health coaching, step out of the way and encourage clients to safely explore, while listening deeply and offering powerful Nurse Coaching questions.

Health, Wellness and Wholeness: A Lifelong Process

Health, Wellness  and Wholeness:  A Lifelong Process

Your life journey is constantly evolving, as is your body, mind, spirit, culture and environment, so cultivating these areas of health, wellness and wholeness keeps you aware and fully alive.

Loneliness and Isolation

Loneliness and Isolation

In our ever-changing world filled with social media, texting, computers, devices, on demand, television, news, fake news, alerts, Information pushes, and constant stimulation it is difficult to re-connect with ourselves and others, even though we are in contact with others throughout our day.  And when we link the potential negative impact loneliness and isolation can have on our health, we must take proactive steps to ensure we acknowledge our potential risk and mitigate it.

How can we consciously remember our need to be connected and support that need?  How do we move from surface connection and extend to deep connection to uproot loneliness and isolation?

Here are 5 tips to consider to begin to re-connect to self and to others and will help mitigate and perhaps prevent diseases of the brain and body.

Optimal Healing Environments

Optimal Healing Environments

An Optimal Healing Environment (OHE) is a shared space where healing occurs by addressing all aspects of a person’s individuality.  Individuality includes; the physical, psychological, social, cognitive, economic, environmental, spiritual and behavioral components of humans (Zborowsky & Kreitzer, 2014).  When considering an OHE, it must focus on external factors like, light, fresh air, architecture, color of walls, furniture, art, activities, and music.  It also reflects internal aspects like, relaxation, meditation, prayer, and energy exchange.  An OHE accounts for interpersonal items like, relationships, communication, leadership and teamwork, as well as behavior like, collaborative healthcare, exercise and integrative practice (Dossey & Keegan, 2013). 

Eating to Win

Eating to Win

“The elimination diet was a big eye opener about how much our food really affects our bodies, it made me realize how dangerous our processed foods are.  It was so easy to follow and I really enjoyed learning and trying new foods and creating new recipes, and the kids loved to eat the new diet too! 

Spring Cleaning Your Health and Wholeness

Spring Cleaning Your Health and Wholeness

We can all use some quick tips to clean up our health, and spring time is the perfect opportunity for renewal and growth.

Check out some topics and tips to consider for your spring cleaning for health and wholeness for Your Thoughts, Your Stress, Your Sleep, Your Food, Your Work Space, and Your Habits.

De-Stress with Breathing Techniques

De-Stress with Breathing Techniques

Today’s negative effects of chronic stress on our bodies, minds and spirits are well documented.

So, how do we reduce this over-stimulation and combat the constant burden of stress on our bodies, minds and spirits- especially because each of us is unique?  We try different things to calm our system and help us regenerate and repair. 

De-Stress breathing techniques are a simple way to begin your exposure to stress-reduction tools. 

Stages of Change

Stages of Change

Change does not happen lickity-split.  Ever watch a plant grow?  It takes determination, attention, education, fertilization and time.  Change is difficult. Change is complex, and while no one theory can explain all the nuances of behavior change, there are a few models that describe how many people cycle through stages of adaptation. Today's blog discusses the most common one and how you might feel to walk through each stage.

More Energy to Live Better

More Energy to Live Better

Easy tips to inspire you to develop more energy, vitality & life into your day!  Each picture is linked to another blog with more ideas to help you feel your best. 



The value of plants far exceeds vitamins and nutrients.  Phytonutrients tell our bodies what to do and how to do it at the cellular level.  So when mom said, "eat your veggies, they're good for you", she was right!  

Create Calm in Your Heart

Create Calm in Your Heart

Life is stressful, we are faced with so many challenges.  Most we have no control over- but we do have control over how we respond. Learn a quick technique called 'FreezeFrame' from the Heartmath Institute to help you calm your heart rhythms to keep your heart and the rest of your body healthy.