Burnout is not your fault.

It can happen to anyone, at any time.

The systems we work in are broken - and it doesn't mean you are broken!

I know you think you're fine, like you'll keep going as you are, because that's what you do; you do everything, for everyone. And you are so good at it. But, it has to stop.

How do I know? I did it too, and then, one day I snapped. It wasn't pretty. I don't want it to happen to you. It's taken me years of practice to heal, and honestly, if I'm not careful, burnout creeps back in.

Give yourself tenderness, self-compassion and gratitude, at work and at home. Banishing burnout begins from within and extends into the systems we work in. When we show systems how to treat us, because we care for ourselves, we shift systems to wellbeing with us and for us.

Is this easy? Nope. Yet, it’s easier when we do it together… and that is what we’ll do over the next few days.

Our first stop is about Setting Boundaries… click the image below to download real life examples about how Nurses just like you are setting boundaries.

You are loved, Nurse Coach Nicole xo