I LOVE Fellow Nurses

Have I told you how much I LOVE fellow Nurses?

I LOVE fellow Nurses!

So, when I was invited to have a fun conversation with the incredible Dale Barzey-Pond on her YouTube channel Nurses Talking, I said YES!

I had never met the vivacious Dale Barzey-Pond and now I am soooo thrilled I have. Dale is a positive, calming, and open human and Nurse, and she created nursestalking to connect Nurses so they have a public outlet to discuss what they are doing for their Nursing profession, career and work.

Dale wants every person to know that Nurses are more than just bodies in a scrub-suit, and I have to agree. Nurses are far more than that.

A Few Reasons Why I Love Fellow Nurses

Here’s a few reasons why I love fellow Nurses.

I love fellow Nurses because they are incredible souls, filled with wisdom, positive intention and a deep well of knowledge.

I love fellow Nurses because they are skilled, fast thinking, resourceful and can create anything in seconds if it would help.

I love fellow Nurses because they speak their mind and stand up for what is right, especially when they see something wrong.

I love fellow Nurses because they truly understand me and honor me in all my quirkiness and passions.

I love fellow Nurses because they are creative and when they see a need, they create space for it, just like how Dale created nursestalking.

Remember to subscribe to nursestalking too… click here to do that >>>> nursestalking YouTube channel

Click here to listen to our nursestalking conversation.

You are loved, Nurse Coach Nicole xo