Hot flashes are no fun. Does exercise really help reduce hot flashes? Read on to learn how and why and the benefits of moving in a body transitioning through menopause.
I LOVE Fellow Nurses
nursestalking is a YouTube channel where Nurses discuss so many things about Nursing, our profession, our work and more. Dale Barzey-Pond is the host, and she wants everyone to know that Nurses are far more than just people in scrub suits. Learn some of the reasons I love fellow Nurses in this blog.
Shiny Penny Yes's
Top 3 habits to practice at home to promote positive aging
Creating a Positive Environment at Home: Tips from the Experts. The question they posed to me was, what are your top 3 habits to practice at home to promote positive aging? I sat with this question for a few days thinking… and thinking…and thinking… Positive aging is a big job, right? How do I sift it all down to 3 habits one could explore while at home?
After much contemplation, the following three are what I came up with.
Age Well
10 Tips to Make Exercise Fun as You Age
Inspiring Mindfulness in Your Home Design and Décor
Read some cool mindfulness expert tips on how to inspire mindfulness in your home featured on Redfin’s blog.
When we can gently remind ourselves, that our homes can create a connection back to being mindful, simply by creating spaces, or setting out intentional objects to focus on when we get distracted, we can more easily reconnect to the present and become mindful.
Chair Yoga for Stability
Sleep Appreciation Mindfulness Practice
Getting Better at Feeling and Noticing Mindfulness Practice
How to Optimize Your Health from the Inside Out
Nurse Coaches Bridging the Gap Between Healthcare and Fitness After 50
Pad Thai Inspired by the Pacific Northwest
Awesome, Easy Rhubarb Salad
Moving Meditation for Building Resilience
A moving meditation helps you connect to the strength, power, fluidity, softness, ease or all the other sensations in your unique body.
It is so important for you to come together with your physical body, your spirit, your mind, your emotions and your community to connect back to you and your authentic reality.
Why Did the Orange Stop?
Functional Aging is Yours
To me, functional aging means soaring gracefully through the inevitable ebb and flow of age. No one will remain ‘young’ forever, yet there is magic in aging gracefully, maintaining your function, strength, energy, mobility, cognition, power, balance, vitality and health throughout the trajectory of life.
Functional Aging means you get to choose what you want, when you want it, with who you want to do it, and how you want to do it! And, you can choose to have someone to support you along your journey!