nurse entrepreneur

Nurse Wisdom in Difficult Times

Nurse Wisdom in Difficult Times

Nurse wisdom in difficult times…who better to ask for help than wise, compassionate, caring and brilliant Nurses and Nurse Coaches? When asked the question, You have so much wisdom, experience, and love. What would you share with those who need help?”.

Nurses from across the globe chime in to offer words and intention to alleviate suffering and help us remember we have power to choose how we adjust and shift in our precious lives.

I LOVE Fellow Nurses

I LOVE Fellow Nurses

nursestalking is a YouTube channel where Nurses discuss so many things about Nursing, our profession, our work and more. Dale Barzey-Pond is the host, and she wants everyone to know that Nurses are far more than just people in scrub suits. Learn some of the reasons I love fellow Nurses in this blog.

Bloom Where You are Planted Nurse Coach!

Bloom Where You are Planted Nurse Coach!

You know Nurse Coaching will help people realize the power they have over their health, and have been dreaming about owning your own Nurse Coaching practice. A colleague has taken the first steps to open her business, but you are not in a position to quit your well-paying Nursing job… yet.

So, what do you do? Bloom Where You are Planted!

Nurse Coach Case Study

Nurse Coach Case Study

Nurse Coaching is an honest, professional and authentic option for clients (and Nurses) who want to take a different approach than the traditional healthcare model.

Nurse Coaches, who are Registered Nurses with exceptional education and experience in health coaching, step out of the way and encourage clients to safely explore, while listening deeply and offering powerful Nurse Coaching questions.

Epigentics Gives You a Say in Your Brain Health Destiny

Epigentics Gives You a Say in Your Brain Health Destiny

Scientists now know that although you can’t change the genes you were born with, you can control how the genes express themselves by your daily behaviors, or your lifestyle. Lifestyle choices can help you protect your brain health.

This newer science is called epigentics, and you have a say in your health destiny!

Nurse Coaches are Essential to Healing the Healthcare Industry

Nurse Coaches are Essential to Healing the Healthcare Industry

A Nurse Coach is a registered nurse who has chosen to advance their nursing education with additional extensive certification, supervised practice and mentorship to learn the tools, concepts and theories to actively coach clients, patients and families towards their best health, while preventing and mitigating disease.

One could say that a nurse coach is in fact, a health and wellness, well-being, and integrative coach all wrapped up in one. But they are so much more!

When You See Something, Say Something

When You See Something, Say Something

This is the story of a Registered Nurse (me) who stood up for herself and her patients, and what happened in the process. Nurses are one of the most dedicated professionals on the earth. Nurses vow to protect their patients from harm. Here is Nightingale’s Pledge from 1935, and it (or an updated version) continues to be said at nurse graduation ceremonies around the world.

I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly, to pass my life in purity and to practise my profession faithfully. I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug. I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession, and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping, and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling. With loyalty will I endeavour to aid the physician in his work, and as a 'missioner of health' I will dedicate myself to devoted service to human welfare.