Epigentics Gives You a Say in Your Brain Health Destiny

It’s in my genes…

“It’s in my genes." We bet you’ve heard that before.

Scientists and doctors used to say that if your mom has dementia, or your dad has diabetes, or your grandmother died from cancer, you’ll likely get it too, because you have their genes.

This notion likely left you feeling hopeless.


You can handle the truth (unlike the the words of Colonel Jessop from the movie A Few Good Men)!

The hopelessness associated with, “those are my genes and I can’t do anything about it”, has changed!

Hope Restored!

Let your hope be restored! Scientists now know that although you can’t change the genes you’re born with, you can control how genes express themselves by your daily behaviors, habits and/or lifestyle. Lifestyle choices can help you protect your overall health.

This newer science is called epigenetics.


Habits and behaviors are also known as Lifestyle Strategies and include the things you do (or don’t do) on a daily basis.

Things like, sleep or lack of it, exercising, or not, the food you eat, your social relationships at work and at home, your stress levels, your working habits, if you smoke or vape, or if you are exposed to a toxic environment or not.

Your “…individual genetic background and environmental factors are intertwined to lifestyle in determining the health status of individuals”.


The things you do (or don’t do), even if you have the genes for Alzheimer’s disease, or diabetes or other illnesses can turn on, or turn off the way the genes express themselves.


You have the power to slow down (or speed up) the aging process of your cells- just by choosing to learn how to move in your body (or not), getting a good night’s sleep (or not), eating nourishing foods (or not), choosing to continue to learn something new (or not), or learning and practicing ways to reduce your stress (or not), or associating with positive people, or choosing to learn about environmental toxin exposure and how to reduce it (or not). The power is yours.


You deserve to feel healthy, energetic and vibrant. You deserve to have a strong body and brain. You deserve to take power over your health and say YES to you and what you need.

Nurse Coach Nicole, Health Protection Expert and Head Motivator is dedicated to helping you learn how to use lifestyle strategies with the BUILD Your Health System. It’s easy to learn the science- but MUCH harder to put it all into practice.

This is where the BUILD Your Health System comes into play! Learn 5 steps to help yourself ward off dementia.

There’s no need to wait, the time is now.

Nicole A. Vienneau MSN, RN, NC-BC

~Health Protection Expert & ‘Head’ Motivator!

Nicole knows how to inspire you with habits and behaviors that keep you healthy and whole.  She understands the science to support your efforts and makes learning and action fun!

Nicole’s Memere (grandma in French) lived with dementia after 13 strokes slowly stole her fire, her wit and her voice.  Through  Memere, Nicole learned the gift of humor, and creative ways of communicating using unsaid words and messages that can be difficult to express.  Nicole uses these skills to create purpose, vitality and health with the Build Your Health System at Blue Monarch Health, PLLC

Nicole achieved a Master’s in Nursing Science from the University of Arizona, and a board certification in Integrative Nurse Coaching from the American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation. She is a personal trainer, yoga teacher and group fitness instructor and enjoys healing in nature while hiking the Pacific Northwest trails with her husband or lounging in the sun with her cat babies. Email Nicole

The contents of this website/blog are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This website/blog does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.