10 Tips to Make Exercise Fun as You Age

Let’s talk about a few things that are boring. Just for a minute. hhhhhmmmmmm….

There’s a long, pointless lecture about an obscure subject, right?

And, say, an endless game of Monopoly no one can seem to win.

But do you know what’s NOT boring?

Taking Care of Yourself through Regular Exercise!

Staying active isn’t boring, especially if you’re doing it right, and taking care of yourself through regular exercise as you age is even more important!

People are more likely to keep doing something if it’s fun and fresh, right? So, that’s the trick for overcoming boredom, and making it FUN!

Here are our 10 Tips to Make Exercise Fun as You Age

1.      Remember being a kid.

Remember being a kid? You loved to play, right? Your folks had to yell at you to get you to stop. As Oliver Wendell Holmes, the physician and author famously said, “We don’t quit playing because we grow older; we grow older because we quit playing.”

adult playing like a kid

2.      Pick something you like!

It would be awful if you chose something you hated, so pick something you like!

If you hate to run, then lift weights. If you’re bored lifting weights, then try yoga. Or, what if you decided to just do a little bit of each? We love all these activities and many more, but to get you started, we recommend picking something that’s enjoyable and pleasant. You can always mix it up later if you like.

3.      Go outside and play.

Your Mom always said, ‘go outside and play’. You’ll enjoy fresh air and sunshine when you ride a bike, take the dog for a walk, or toss around a frisbee. Try placing your yoga mat on some grass, and feel it crunch under your feet. Nature’s healing powers cannot be disputed!

4.      Schedule your exercise right.

When is it easiest for you to get moving? It’s so important to schedule your exercise right into a spot that feels great. Which location is convenient? Why do you like going there? What time are you feeling your best? You’re more likely to stick with it if you put thought into which part of the day is best.

5.      Invite a friend.

It’s always more fun when you invite a friend. Bring someone or make a new buddy here with us. The social connection is vital for everyone, but especially as you age, as this time of your life can be isolating, especially in these crazy times.

A safe community is our specialty!

6.      Smile and laugh.

A smile and laugh usually ends up with fun! Laugh and smile often while you move and exercise, even if you’re forcing it. Studies show that laughter is really good medicine, even if we’re faking it! Look for others who are enjoying it too- stand beside them, their joy will seep right into you.

7.      Prepare a uniform.

OK, not really a uniform, per se. But some people find it helps them get in the habit and maintain excitement if they have a special outfit to wear, or a ritual involving preparation. What could this look like for you?

For me, it’s how I hang all my t-shirts in my closet- they are color coded and ready to pull off the hanger to throw on and get moving!

8.      Enjoy sports and hobbies.

As you can see from this list, exercise doesn’t have to happen in a gym or studio. In fact, you’ll enjoy it more when you connect movement to improved performance and confidence in activities like golf, tennis, dancing, karate or gardening.

9.      Start a tip jar for yourself.

Starting tip jar for yourself sounds funny, but it works! Drop a $1 bill into it every time you purposefully move and use your well earned funds to splurge on a treat you’ve been longing for. Soon, you’ll be a millionaire! Wear a tracker to keep tally of how many steps you’re taking, or how long you are moving. It all adds up!

10.  Listen while you move.

Listen while you move can kill two birds with one stone. Podcasts, playlists, audiobooks and music are great ways to make the most of your time exercising. Some people even enjoy watching a favorite show on their phone while on the treadmill or other machine.

listening is fun

Music and educational listening also connects to memories and continuous learning to keep your brain sharp and activated!

See what we mean? Tons of fun. Zero boredom.

Want more fun ways to move in your life? Join us. We are SUPER FUN!

Nicole A. Vienneau MSN, RN, NC-BC
Active Aging Specialist

Nicole Vienneau achieved a Master’s in Nursing Science from the University of Arizona, a board certification in Integrative Nurse Coaching from the American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation, and is Senior Faculty with the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy.

She is a Functional Aging Specialist, personal trainer, yoga teacher, and group fitness instructor and a retired Reebok-sponsored Fitness Athlete.  When she’s not coaching clients or writing blogs, or hosting the Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! Podcast, you can find her teaching active older adult fitness classes, volunteering with the Alzheimer’s Association, lounging in the sun with her cat babies, or on a hike with her awesome husband.

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