It's super important that you have strong muscles and bones and stable joint function, if you want to live how you want to live, with who you want to live and do what you want to do, when you want to do it!
Hot flashes are no fun. Does exercise really help reduce hot flashes? Read on to learn how and why and the benefits of moving in a body transitioning through menopause.
All of us will lose muscle over time, especially as we age, even seasoned athletes will lose precious muscle, and muscle rocks. So, let’s make more of it- even in menopause!
There’s a growing body of scientific studies making the connection between exercise and creative thinking. As we age, exercise becomes even more important to enhance brain health and creativity.
Once in a lifetime, about 10 years ago, I did a thing. As I am almost turning 50, I reflect back to the time I competed in my first (and only) Masters Women’s Figure Competition in Austin, TX. This blog is devoted to what I can remember.
You are perfect the way you are, BUT, if deep down, you know something is off, or you don't feel your best, then crafting a goal to move you towards feeling better is something to consider! Creating a SMART goal is easy, effective and fun and will have you living life with vitality and energy.
Easy tips to inspire you to develop more energy, vitality & life into your day! Each picture is linked to another blog with more ideas to help you feel your best.