
Subjective Cognitive Decline Awareness

Subjective Cognitive Decline Awareness

Subjective Cognitive Decline is when you admit that you notice something is off related to your brain. Now, of course nobody wants to say their memory or brain is ‘off’... but what if you know something is 'off' and don't say anything- even though YOU KNOW something isn't quite right? Well, you lose your power. That’s right! I said it. You lose the power you’ve been working on your whole life because you don't say “YES!” to yourself and your needs! This blog is all about Subjective Cognitive Decline- and you will gain power when you read it. So read it! 😉

Setting Goals for Health, Wholeness & Behavior Change

Setting Goals for Health, Wholeness & Behavior Change

You are perfect the way you are, BUT, if deep down, you know something is off, or you don't feel your best, then crafting a goal to move you towards feeling better is something to consider!  Creating a SMART goal is easy, effective and fun and will have you living life with vitality and energy.

More Energy to Live Better

More Energy to Live Better

Easy tips to inspire you to develop more energy, vitality & life into your day!  Each picture is linked to another blog with more ideas to help you feel your best.