
Show Up, Listen Deep, and Impact One Person at a Time: Podcast

Show Up, Listen Deep, and Impact One Person at a Time:  Podcast

I had the honor of being interviewed by Elizabeth Scala for her podcast, Your Next Shift: A Nursing Career Podcast for Nurses and Nursing Students

I shared some serious transparency and things I’ve learned in my Nursing career- the good, the bad and the ugly- and parts of what makes me human.

A special thank you to Elizabeth and her tireless work to support the Nursing profession through her visionary work. She da bomb!

Setting Goals for Health, Wholeness & Behavior Change

Setting Goals for Health, Wholeness & Behavior Change

You are perfect the way you are, BUT, if deep down, you know something is off, or you don't feel your best, then crafting a goal to move you towards feeling better is something to consider!  Creating a SMART goal is easy, effective and fun and will have you living life with vitality and energy.

Let Go

Let Go

Keeping secrets & living with fear & shame allows us to build upon the ugliness of our own internal stories, making them difficult to overcome.  When you Let Go, you begin to open yourself up to the possibility of healing, allowing yourself to learn from mistakes, & then, in time, you will  begin to flourish, as you honor your past.