Chair Yoga for Stability

It’s no secret that yoga benefits your mind, body and spirit, yet many people shy away from a yoga practice out of fear of not doing it right, or inability to keep up, or that you have to be flexible, or think that’s for the young folks.

Whatever your reason for staying away from yoga, I’d like you to reconsider your perception and open yourself up to the possibility that yoga is for you.

Chair Yoga is great

Seated, or Chair Yoga is great for creating your base of stability.

Since you are seated in a chair, you feel supported because your strong buttocks and legs are on the seat of the chair. Your feet are grounded onto the earth, and you feel balanced and secure, because the chair and thoughtful, skilled instructors are keeping you safe.

No need to perform

There is no need to perform in chair yoga, because it is only you that matters. Your individual needs are met, because you are in control of everything your body does. You only do what you can, and you choose whether to explore movements that may be a challenge to you, or not. Only you choose. YOU are the Authority over your body, mind and spirit.

Self-love and Self-compassion

In chair yoga, there is only self-love and self-compassion extended to you with kindness and care from your teacher, and they only ask that you move with a tenderness that serves you and your uniqueness.

In this Chair Yoga for Stability class (you can access it here >> or via the button below), you’ll connect to your feet, your legs, your core, your shoulder girdles, your thoracic and cervical spine, and your hearts. Plus, we always have a little bit of fun too!

You are the Authority

Remember, you are the Authority over your body- if a movement doesn't make you 'happy' just skip it, or make up your own. Just taking time for yourself is enough.

We’ll end our important time together with a beautiful poem by Mary Oliver to connect to our human-ness.

Click play here>>, you are worth it.

You are loved, Nicole

Ps. See how many times you can see my cats Bumpie and Moozie aka-the Cat Crazies! LOL

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Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.