
Chair Yoga for Stability

Chair Yoga for Stability

Seated, or Chair Yoga is great for creating your base of stability.

Since you are seated in a chair, you feel supported because your strong buttocks and legs are on the seat of the chair. Your feet are grounded onto the earth, and you feel balanced and secure.

The Day (and Night) I Almost Lost Moozie

The Day (and Night) I Almost Lost Moozie

I have a new pet. His name is Moozie (it was also once, Tom, Chili, and Moo-Moo). My awesome husband Patrick aka Yubbies picked him. He was the tiny kitty, sitting lifeless in his litter box at the local pound. As soon as he was in our arms, he snuggled in and knew he was ‘ours’. Best decision. Everrrr.

This is the story of the Day (and Night) I almost lost my Moozie.