senior fitness

Chair Yoga for Stability

Chair Yoga for Stability

Seated, or Chair Yoga is great for creating your base of stability.

Since you are seated in a chair, you feel supported because your strong buttocks and legs are on the seat of the chair. Your feet are grounded onto the earth, and you feel balanced and secure.

Functional Aging is Yours

Functional Aging is Yours

To me, functional aging means soaring gracefully through the inevitable ebb and flow of age. No one will remain ‘young’ forever, yet there is magic in aging gracefully, maintaining your function, strength, energy, mobility, cognition, power, balance, vitality and health throughout the trajectory of life.

Functional Aging means you get to choose what you want, when you want it, with who you want to do it, and how you want to do it! And, you can choose to have someone to support you along your journey!