self awareness

Getting Better at Feeling and Noticing Mindfulness Practice

Getting Better at Feeling and Noticing Mindfulness Practice

A recorded mindfulness practice lead by Nicole Vienneau from Blue Monarch Health, PLLC is aimed at reconnecting you to your breath, and to the sensations within your body. It is time to reconnect to you.

Meditation 101

Meditation 101

Meditation is really just spending time with yourself. During meditation, maybe you’ll try and focus, or breathe deeply. But did you know there is also meditation in dancing, gardening, being fully present with your child or being still in prayer?

I created a little slide show presentation in the hopes of dispelling some of the scariness of meditation.

Listen to Your Heart

Listen to Your Heart

We can’t wait until we are broken to heal ourselves; we need healing daily, and minute to minute. We must seek reminders about why we strive so hard to make our lives purposeful.  We must connect with others to share the suffering, sadness, and grief we may feel from day to day.  And we must also seek a non-judgmental space to share our success, joy, laughter, and the beauty of what we witness.