joyful aging

Top 3 habits to practice at home to promote positive aging

Top 3 habits to practice at home to promote positive aging

Creating a Positive Environment at Home: Tips from the Experts. The question they posed to me was, what are your top 3 habits to practice at home to promote positive aging? I sat with this question for a few days thinking… and thinking…and thinking… Positive aging is a big job, right? How do I sift it all down to 3 habits one could explore while at home?

After much contemplation, the following three are what I came up with.

Using Self-Awareness For Health and an Active Lifestyle

Using Self-Awareness For Health and an Active Lifestyle

Self-awareness concepts for health are HIGHLY effective to maintain or improve an active lifestyle, yet, sadly, not everyone is aware, or doing things with self-awareness. How often have you gone through the day blindly, only to plop down in front of the TV and rub the back of your neck, or your legs wondering how they got so achy? Let’s flip the script.