Blue Monarch Health, PLLC

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Nurse Coaches Bridging the Gap Between Healthcare and Fitness After 50

It is always a blessing to be invited to share my thoughts, my work, my ideas with anyone who will listen! LOL

Just kidding. Seriously though, it was an absolute pleasure to be interviewed by Jay Croft from the Optimal Aging Podcast.

We discussed a little of my history and how I discovered Nursing, Fitness and Nurse Coaching and how I now combine all of it together to partner with the over 50 population (or as I call you, Active Aging Adults), so you feel your best and live with energy and vitality.

You’ll hear quite a few tips about how to incorporate movement into your life, some ideas about how to talk to your health care provider about exercise, and some of the barriers and how to overcome them.

Any fellow Awesome’s listening?

Need more ideas? I’m always available to you. Just send me a message here >>

And of course, listen to the podcast, and leave me a comment about anything that interested you, or that you have a question about.

I’ll always reply.

You are loved,

Nicole xo