The term synchronicity was first described by Carl Jung (1875-1961). He used it to describe ‘meaningful coincidences’. Well, I’ve been getting lots of reminders lately about remembering to speak to myself with love, kindness and compassion- just like I’d speak to my loved ones, or a good friend.
Things, messages and people are showing up to remind me, that just as I love and appreciate you, I must love and appreciate myself just as much, and more!
Do You Notice
Do you notice signs that keep showing up for you? Special patterns like maybe, a butterfly fluttering in front of you one moment, and next, you see a sismilar (or maybe it’s the same) butterfly the next day?
Or a certain color of car passing you on the street multiple times, or you see a smiling face in your soup, on the beach, or stuck to a door frame? Or, you hear the same lyric over and over again in different songs, at different times? Maybe you notice numeric patterns, like numbers on a digital clock, or cash register? Or, an old friend pops up on social media, and then calls you the next day?
Your Spiritual Side May Notice Synchronicities
Your spiritual side may notice these coincidences or synchronicities often and all over the place. While other times, you need a brick to fall on your head to see the messages being sent by your higher power, your God, or the Universe.
The fact is, I am learning to look for synchronicities daily, because I often unintentionally ignore, or blow past the many patterns, habits and synchronicities right in front of me.
The Way I speak to myself
One of those not-so-good-habits I try to ignore is the way I speak to myself. I don’t always talk to myself in the same loving way I talk to you. I am not always kind, or considerate, or loving in my own mind. In fact, sometimes my internal voice is down right mean and unforgiving.
I need constant touch points to remind me who of I am, and to tap into patterns- helpful or not. I have a Self-Care Toolbox (you can read about it here), and I will often pull a treasure from this special box to remind me of my authentic self. And other times, I journal, and journaling is what today’s blog is about.
So How Can You Return to Loving Yourself?
So, how can you return to loving yourself if you get into the rut of being less than kind to your body, your mind or your spirit? One way is through journaling. Pen to paper, no one watching, reading, looking, hearing- except you and the scratch of your thoughts.
I recall hot summer nights of childhood, sitting by an open, starlit window, little pink journal with a gold heart embossed on the cover, opened clasp-lock to keep predators out, thick paper and a Bic pen scribbling the thoughts of the day away- or to keep forever.
Unwind and Rewire Thoughts Habits and Patterns
Explore journaling to unwind and rewire thought habits and patterns, so you can return to loving yourself.
Pen to paper, where no one will see or read… only you, can free your mind of rumination or repetitive negative thinking, as you explore and open up new possibility, new ways of being and doing.
One Way You Can Choose to Journal
Here’s one way you can choose to journal, for there are many ways to begin. The idea, is to keep it simple, and just begin.
While journaling you can be real with yourself, and open up an opportunity to learn from and about yourself in a special way you may not often give yourself permission.
It’s a safe place to allow the truth of your feelings to be explored, in your space and time.
No rules
Grab a piece of paper
Grab any writing utensil
Choose one phrase that speaks to your heart right now
Write that phrase at the top of the page
Take a few deep breaths, read the prompt and write
Note: Spelling and grammar don’t count. You can draw pictures instead of words. Write or draw anything that comes into your mind, no limitations at all!
Have courage to read what you wrote, and if you are up to it, look for patterns, habits, or synchronicities that can draw you towards a deeper perspective of yourself, honoring who you are in your authentic beauty
Are you ready to give it a try? Below, I’ve listed a few prompts to get you going. Pick one, and begin. Remember, no rules!
Loving Yourself Journal Prompts
What does Loving Myself mean to me?
What do I value about myself?
What rules about me can I release?
How do I love others unconditionally? HOW Can I use some of this unconditional love for myself?
I forgive myself for…
What do I need to be at peace with myself?
What do I love about myself?
How do I currently show love to myself?
What do I want to do to help myself?
What is your favorite journal prompt? How do you find space in your day to tap into your inner being? Do you notice the synchronicities in your life? Do share a comment about how you return to Loving Yourself.
You are loved,
Nicole xo
“Nicole not only shares the research, information & tools to realize what, why & how things impact your body.
She also uses her wisdom & experience to guide, motivate & support YOU to make these decisions stick.
Small steps add up to lifestyle changes, & Blue Monarch Health is the way to go!”
~Health Protection Expert & ‘Head’ Motivator!
Nicole knows how to inspire you with habits and behaviors that protect your health. She understands the science to support you and makes learning coupled with action fun!
Nicole’s Memere (grandma in French) lived with dementia after 13 strokes slowly stole her fire, her wit and her life. Through Memere, Nicole learned the gift of humor and creative ways to see hidden messages that can be difficult to express. Nicole uses these skills to create purpose, vitality and health in her clients with the Build Your Health System at Blue Monarch Health, PLLC
Nicole has been a Registered Nurse for +20 years and achieved a Master’s in Nursing Science from the University of Arizona, and a board certification in Integrative Nurse Coaching from the American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation, and is Senior Faculty with the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy. She is a yoga teacher, personal trainer, and group fitness instructor and enjoys healing in nature while hiking the Pacific Northwest trails with her husband or lounging in the sun with her cat babies. Email Nicole
The contents of this website/blog are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This website/blog does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.