Self care

Saying No.

Saying No.

Have you ever crafted crazy stories just so you could get away from saying No?  Have you dropped into people-pleasing mode and didn’t realize it? It always feels best to tell the truth and be honest, so saying No should be easy, and yet it isn’t.

So, here are some tips I’ve learned in life to help me say no, now 35+ years later…because I don’t wanna stink.

A Moment of Self Care

A Moment of Self Care

Sometimes we lose track of who we are, there is so much external noise and pressures. Many of us are feeling lost and potentially disconnected to our authenticity and our real-ness. My Self Care Toolbox is a way I re-connect to myself and my reality and how I can create a moment of stillness to allow me to feel and return to who I am. I open it up and share some of it.

Maybe creating a little Self Care Toolbox for yourself could help you too?