Loving Kindness Body Scan

We all live with aches, pains and discomfort in our magnificent bodies.

And, we also live with strength, power, fluidity, softness, ease and the many other sensations in your unique body.

In my work with thousands of people as a Nurse Coach and Functional Aging Specialist, Yoga Teacher and Group Fitness Instructor, I notice that many people are disconnected to their precious physical feelings, and how those feelings can link them back to their true authentic nature and wellbeing.

When you unite with your physical body, your spirit, your mind, and your emotions, you can re-connect to your authentic reality and increases your capacity to rebound from difficult situations.

A Loving Kindness Body Scan creates space

A Loving-Kindness-Body Scan creates a safe space for you to meet each part of your body with great respect and gentleness.

It establishes a clear opening for you to recognize the majestic gifts of your body, mind and spirit.

Reconnect and Be at Ease

This time allows you to reconnect and be at ease with the body.

You are worthy of this time.

My hope is that you notice any sensations in your body as you do this Loving Kindness Body Scan. Even if you listen and become aware for only a minute, you will receive benefit and calm.

You are loved, Nurse Coach Nicole