feel better

Health, Wellness and Wholeness: A Lifelong Process

Health, Wellness  and Wholeness:  A Lifelong Process

Your life journey is constantly evolving, as is your body, mind, spirit, culture and environment, so cultivating these areas of health, wellness and wholeness keeps you aware and fully alive.

Champion of Health

Champion of Health

Bill Bowerman, co-founder of Nike and Olympic Coach once said, “If you have a body you are an athlete”. 

Consider his words… he is saying that every body is an athlete.  You need not be on the field in front of millions hitting a ball or skating the ice.  You don’t need to look a certain way, or perform to a certain standard, and you definitely don’t have have to lift tons of weight or look top notch in a bikini to be an athlete, or to be the Champion of your Health.

Instead, shift your mindset to treat your body, mind and spirit like the athlete (and awesome human being)you are, and you will focus on what is important to you and your health vitality.

Plant Power

Plant Power

Phyto means ‘plant’. Phytonutrients (or phytochemicals) include all plant foods, like vegetables, fruits, legumes, beans, nuts, seeds, teas, spices and whole grains.  If it grows in nature it has phytonutrients.  The goodies that make up plants are essential for health and living well, and plants are the FOUNDATION for disease prevention and treatment.

Here are some tips how to get more Plant Power!

Tips for Better Sleep

Tips for Better Sleep

The lifestyle strategy of sleep- or rather- not getting enough sleep is often discussed in exasperation.  Many of us fantasize about getting enough zzz’s to keep us thriving in our lives, but we struggle to do it in real life. Let's discuss some tools to improve this important function, so we feel more vibrant and focused, while staying free from diseases of the brain and body.