Self Care

Champion of Health

Champion of Health

Bill Bowerman, co-founder of Nike and Olympic Coach once said, “If you have a body you are an athlete”. 

Consider his words… he is saying that every body is an athlete.  You need not be on the field in front of millions hitting a ball or skating the ice.  You don’t need to look a certain way, or perform to a certain standard, and you definitely don’t have have to lift tons of weight or look top notch in a bikini to be an athlete, or to be the Champion of your Health.

Instead, shift your mindset to treat your body, mind and spirit like the athlete (and awesome human being)you are, and you will focus on what is important to you and your health vitality.

Healing Rituals

Healing Rituals

Healing Rituals are self-imposed decisions to take action and tend to feelings of fear, apprehension, discontent, anger or sorrow, instead of squashing them deep into your soul. They are a mechanism to release feelings and to honor your body, mind and spirit with gentle attentiveness and care.

You can create your own Healing Ritual, and perhaps you already have one or two to use to ease the dis-ease of less than perfect situations. Or perhaps you need some inspiration to create an action to purposefully care for yourself.

I asked some dear friends for examples of Healing Rituals, and here’s what they shared.

Battling Burnout with Nurse Coaching: Stories from the ICU

Battling Burnout with Nurse Coaching:  Stories from the ICU

There is a shift towards healing when we create space to envision it. This is an article written for the American Holistic Nurses Association Beginning's publication about 2 ICU RNs who found healing through Nurse Coaching and the opening of possibilities.

Spring Cleaning Your Health and Wholeness

Spring Cleaning Your Health and Wholeness

We can all use some quick tips to clean up our health, and spring time is the perfect opportunity for renewal and growth.

Check out some topics and tips to consider for your spring cleaning for health and wholeness for Your Thoughts, Your Stress, Your Sleep, Your Food, Your Work Space, and Your Habits.

Stages of Change

Stages of Change

Change does not happen lickity-split.  Ever watch a plant grow?  It takes determination, attention, education, fertilization and time.  Change is difficult. Change is complex, and while no one theory can explain all the nuances of behavior change, there are a few models that describe how many people cycle through stages of adaptation. Today's blog discusses the most common one and how you might feel to walk through each stage.

Let Go

Let Go

Keeping secrets & living with fear & shame allows us to build upon the ugliness of our own internal stories, making them difficult to overcome.  When you Let Go, you begin to open yourself up to the possibility of healing, allowing yourself to learn from mistakes, & then, in time, you will  begin to flourish, as you honor your past.



The value of plants far exceeds vitamins and nutrients.  Phytonutrients tell our bodies what to do and how to do it at the cellular level.  So when mom said, "eat your veggies, they're good for you", she was right!  

Create Calm in Your Heart

Create Calm in Your Heart

Life is stressful, we are faced with so many challenges.  Most we have no control over- but we do have control over how we respond. Learn a quick technique called 'FreezeFrame' from the Heartmath Institute to help you calm your heart rhythms to keep your heart and the rest of your body healthy.

Food is Connection

Food is Connection

Food is Connection.  A bond between ourselves and those we choose to share it with.  What kinds of things do you want infused into your nourishment?   How can we re-frame rushed, irritated and apathetic feelings into calm, joy and love as we prepare foods.