The Elimination Food Plan: A Success Story

The Elimination Food Plan: A Success Story

Food is powerful.  It can make you well, or steal health from you. 

Discovering how food affects you is the goal of the Elimination Food Plan.  Here is just one example of the incredible effects of that heal, right to your cellular, and soul level.

More Energy to Live Better

More Energy to Live Better

Easy tips to inspire you to develop more energy, vitality & life into your day!  Each picture is linked to another blog with more ideas to help you feel your best. 

Let Go

Let Go

Keeping secrets & living with fear & shame allows us to build upon the ugliness of our own internal stories, making them difficult to overcome.  When you Let Go, you begin to open yourself up to the possibility of healing, allowing yourself to learn from mistakes, & then, in time, you will  begin to flourish, as you honor your past.



The value of plants far exceeds vitamins and nutrients.  Phytonutrients tell our bodies what to do and how to do it at the cellular level.  So when mom said, "eat your veggies, they're good for you", she was right!  

Create Calm in Your Heart

Create Calm in Your Heart

Life is stressful, we are faced with so many challenges.  Most we have no control over- but we do have control over how we respond. Learn a quick technique called 'FreezeFrame' from the Heartmath Institute to help you calm your heart rhythms to keep your heart and the rest of your body healthy.

Food is Connection

Food is Connection

Food is Connection.  A bond between ourselves and those we choose to share it with.  What kinds of things do you want infused into your nourishment?   How can we re-frame rushed, irritated and apathetic feelings into calm, joy and love as we prepare foods.