This Roasted Beet and Plum Salad with Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette recipe is sure to enhance your vibrational energy because of all the many, beautiful, life sustaining colors and phytonutrients from the earth.
Rosemary-Lemon Vinaigrette
Strawberry No-Jito Recipe
Pad Thai Inspired by the Pacific Northwest
Awesome, Easy Rhubarb Salad
Using Self-Awareness For Health and an Active Lifestyle
Self-awareness concepts for health are HIGHLY effective to maintain or improve an active lifestyle, yet, sadly, not everyone is aware, or doing things with self-awareness. How often have you gone through the day blindly, only to plop down in front of the TV and rub the back of your neck, or your legs wondering how they got so achy? Let’s flip the script.
Moving Meditation for Building Resilience
A moving meditation helps you connect to the strength, power, fluidity, softness, ease or all the other sensations in your unique body.
It is so important for you to come together with your physical body, your spirit, your mind, your emotions and your community to connect back to you and your authentic reality.
Why Did the Orange Stop?
Incorporate Movement, to Keep on Moving
Balance is Better: Fall Prevention
Balance is better! Falls are not a normal part of aging and falls can be prevented. Today’s blog discusses how you can take steps to use movement and an attitude shift to develop tools to prevent falls in your life, or the life of your loved one. You can develop the confidence to move as your body was intended!
Functional Aging is Yours
To me, functional aging means soaring gracefully through the inevitable ebb and flow of age. No one will remain ‘young’ forever, yet there is magic in aging gracefully, maintaining your function, strength, energy, mobility, cognition, power, balance, vitality and health throughout the trajectory of life.
Functional Aging means you get to choose what you want, when you want it, with who you want to do it, and how you want to do it! And, you can choose to have someone to support you along your journey!
NursePreneurs Podcast
Elimination Diet: Survival Tips
The Elimination Diet is the gold standard for determining food sensitivities, food intolerances and food triggers. It’s a fascinating process filled with some challenges, but mostly triumphs!, like feeling 150% better than before doing it.
I’ve helped hundreds of clients through this process with my 5 step RENEW! Elimination Food Plan, and have come up with some ‘Survival Tips’ to make the process easier.
Once in a Lifetime, I was a Figure Competitor
A Moment of Self Care
Sometimes we lose track of who we are, there is so much external noise and pressures. Many of us are feeling lost and potentially disconnected to our authenticity and our real-ness. My Self Care Toolbox is a way I re-connect to myself and my reality and how I can create a moment of stillness to allow me to feel and return to who I am. I open it up and share some of it.
Maybe creating a little Self Care Toolbox for yourself could help you too?
Honor Your Past
Honor your past, what an incredible reminder… ‘no tomorrow without a yesterday’. You get to acknowledge all of the amazing things you’ve done in your life that have made you the gift of who you are today!
And yes, you have gone through some $hit. But the truth is, you have made it! And you get to choose which memories you hold on to, which memories you cherish, and which ones get left behind for a day when they become useful to you.
Loving Yourself
How can you return to loving yourself if you get into the rut of being less than kind to your body, mind and spirit? One way is through journaling. Pen to paper, no one watching, reading, looking, hearing- except you and the scratch of your thoughts.
Need some prompts to help you return to loving yourself? They are in this blog.